ALisa, you amaze me over and over again, high priestess, magic maker, wild womyn, keeper of the mysteries. On the first night with ALisa we were asked to state our intent for the apprenticeship. Wracked by nerves, I stood up in a circle of women, none of which I knew and asked to “stand in my wisdom, my strength as a daughter of the goddess.” I really had no clue what the apprenticeship would be like, had never been part of a womyn’s circle and never met ALisa before that first night, but something in my belly told me that the apprenticeship would hold this intent for me. Little did I know then what the apprenticeship would come to mean for me… These last 9 months have been an amazing process of remembering myself, remembering my past self and finding the courage to be who I truly want to be in the world- a womyn of amazing power, wisdom, clarity and love.
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