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Category Archives: Priestess Path Testimonials

I came to Priestess Path to remember and be retaught the ancient ways. I came seeking support and deepening for that which I privately remembered, to gather courage to show this part of myself publicly. I came hoping to reclaim a public priestess voice. Today I feel that I have learned more than I could digest both here and in the private quest to reclaim my body, my voice and my embodied sexuality. Deepest respect.


Priestess Path is like a great adventure that goes deep into your own soul. There is an incredible environment created that transcends space and time, held us in absolute trust, that allows you to touch, know and feel who you really are and to rediscover your priestess self. ALisa is a woman of power whose work is all about bringing other women to their own power. She can push, provoke and hold gently with enormous skill. The path has given me a YES to myself, my worth and my work in the world. In the constant flow of change we are given the tools to heal ourselves and others, the way to be authentic, the support of sisterhood, the reminder that we have the courage to live fully. I remained in awe of what happened each weekend.


I have never trusted anything like this before. PP is real powerful ritual. I could not have dreamed this. I could not have imagined any course more perfectly designed for me, the me that thought I believed in magic, but really didn’t. NOW I DO because of you. I have always been bold and colorful- now I do it with self-love instead of fear and shame. I grew into the huge loving person that I am. I speak loudly even though my voice shakes. I live in love with my body, my past, and future and full hope for humanity for I have seen humans, women, go into their deepest, darkest selves and find that there is power in being vulnerable. And we are still loveable when we have snot dripping down our chin AND we are still loveable when we are shining in our glory. In PP we learn not to fear each other and instead rise up together.


No matter how hard I tried to fight it, Priestess Path brought me closer to myself and to my power. And believe me, I fought hard. Yes, that hard. As hard as you think you will resist, that is how much you have to gain when you let it in. There is celebration on the other side! Today, the last day of PP, I experienced some of the greatest terror of my life, and I also gained the greatest understanding of my self. ALisa was right there with me as I screamed NO to all the shoulds and have tos and do it nows that began from the moment my mother started labor. What a gift. I have a new birth and a new life. What a path to walk! The tears, rage, love, courage, terror, and more love, all held by spirit and by a circle of tremendous women.


PP is a journey that is unique to everyone. If it calls you, trust it. It is the universe’s way of guiding you to discover the gifts that are inside of you. There is no one answer to what happens on this journey. It is an unfolding of your soul, a greater consciousness of your place here, a powerful reminder of our place as women in the evolution of the world. Each weekend will challenge you in different ways. When it is done you will know your place in this world like no other experience could ever give you, and your power will be restored in a way that it can never be destroyed. All sisters need to walk the path and remember ourselves as the loving, compassionate, courageous, powerful, creative, sensual, joyful, brilliant and divine spirits that we are!


Priestess Path has been a very personal mythic journey for me. I feel like ten months ago I was in an entirely different landscape then I find myself in this moment. My voice was edged with anger and my hear felt utterly cloaked in a black veil of shame. I’d lost my connection to my Creator, my Mother, and my life seemed to have no purpose. I was disconnected so painfully from myself, my spirit, my community. I had heavy burdens of guilt from past mistakes that I carried into the first night of Priestess Path. But I was also hopeful. I was thrilled to the bone about the magical mystery I was about to enter. I have walked through tremendous fears. I have release shameful feelings that I truly believed would follow me to my grave. My inner golden self has broken through and I have found my voice. I am deeply inspired and have been catapulted into the role of priestess in my community and family. If feel like I am carved, molded and had life breathed into me by this path, the Goddess, by sisters, by ALisa. I am and always will be in awe of the complete and miraculous intuitive brilliance of ALisa. I have been transformed on deep cellular levels. I feel beautiful and free. Please honor yourself. Walk your own true, amazing, honest path. Magic is real. It is in you and all around you. This is where to come and see, feel and learn about magic, ritual, ceremony, abundance and joy!


This apprenticeship has been a dream come true. For how many centuries and lifetimes have I been praying for the return of women holding each other in ritual and working their magic for personal and world healing? This year proved to me that we are waking up. We are back. Women are once again coming into their full power as teachers, healers, and leaders. YEAH! ALisa brings her loving fierceness, delightful creativity, and deep wisdom to create a strong supple container for this work. She and the guest teachers she brings to us are amazing role models of women in power in the world. I am so very grateful for the opportunity to experience Priestess Path. Rebekah: bodyworker, teacher, priestess


My own words seem inadequate to describe- any words are inadequate for ALisa and Priestess Path. The journey eludes linear thought and manifests in mists, in the fire and on the earth. It rains down through consciousness from the Goddess. It permeates our life dissipating/ displacing the pain, the fear, the shame, filling in the wounds like dirt in a hole. Cleaning our guts and hearts and heads. Healing and loving, vast and deep, true and pure and right. Bolting our souls to our sisters’, defying history and gravity. Transcending time and space to solidify each into her power, strength and courage. Come sisters- embrace the path and find your way home. Love and Grace.


What is it to live fully? I knew that before PP that I was not in life fully. I was not present in much of my life. I felt a distance and coldness in my heart that I did not know how to warm. Priestess Path has stirred, warmed and opened me. My heart is not so cold and distant anymore. I want to hear what people are saying to me. I want to look in their eyes when they speak to me. I am present with the life around me. I am aware of how I have held myself back and put the walls up around my heart. PP has cracked open my shell, dissolved the veneer. I don’t want to hide anymore. I want to be seen and heard and acknowledged. I am all of those things with my PP sisters. This is a gift to yourself, the planet and the world. Please gift yourself and all of us with the fullness and power of all that is you. Come step into yourself. Life is to be lived.


Coming to PP each month has been an opportunity for me to come home to my deepest self. I am moved, touched, overjoyed and opened by this experience. I have learned that sharing myself and my path inside a lighter and lighter heart with a circle of beloved women who share my commitment allow a brightness to shine through that I have never known before. I have been deeply inspired by women I otherwise never would have had the honor to glimpse their magic. PP is truly a gift to any woman who is longing to find her most authentic expression and share it with the world. Please women, do us all a favor and shine your light. I can think of no greater guide to spark and help tend the fire, passion, wild and wise woman that is you.

