Permission to Be Powerful

Reasons to Claim Your Fierce Feminine Life
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ALisa Starkweather is an extraordinary individual and one of the most courageously and authentically human beings I have ever encountered. Her integrity shines through in all she does, and she shares her own growth process with the world in ways that consistently model what real empowerment looks like. She emboldens others around her to honestly face what is within them – shadow and light alike – and to take responsibility for their lives. Her conscious presence and focused intention create sacred space in which others are compassionately supported while being gently, consistently encouraged to risk and grow. ALisa has a gift for getting to the heart of a matter and facilitating rapid healing and evolution. She uses a variety of techniques to do so, creating transformational experiences of resonant beauty that help others discover their true nature and connection with Source. ALisa lives in service to Spirit and community, and the contributions she makes to any gathering emerge out of deep prayer and powerful intuition. Any women’s gathering would benefit tremendously from her presence and participation. ALisa walks her talk, and catalyses those around her. I would highly encourage both event facilitators and attendees to take advantage of any opportunity to work with ALisa Starkweather. Doing so will change your life.

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